Friday, April 15, 2011


I basically took the whole week off from crafting for the wedding, because I'm starting to get some pretty serious carpal tunnel symptoms. Before I gave in to my gentleman's urging to take a friggin' rest, I started stringing a long necklace for someone in the wedding who has been helping me a lot.
I started it back up today after I got off work, but as I was nearing the end of the very long string, I turned to the gentleman and said, "I'm starting to think this is ugly." As I was working, I was imagining giving it to this person. It wasn't going well in my head - I was begging forgiveness and telling the person they don't have to wear it to the wedding.
The gentleman agreed. It was an ugly piece.
So I'm trying to figure out something else, which, eh, kind of annoying. But I'd rather give nice things than give something I don't even like. I just have to figure out what I'm going to do - work with the components I have in a different way, or go in an entirely different direction.
It doesn't help that I just got done writing a story about a local jewelry maker who makes beautiful, meticulous woven pieces and I'm feeling somewhat (ok, rather) inferior. You can see her pretty, pretty stuff here.
I think maybe I got in too much of a hurry and got preoccupied with getting DONE rather than making gifts that I know I like and that others will like and wear.

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