Saturday, April 2, 2011

Very bad, no good blogger

Sorry about the lack of posts lately! I have been a very busy little bee, with work and preparation for the wedding. I've got 95 hearts done, and I need only about 105, so I am much more relaxed about that. I have gotten several of the bridesmaids' gifts done, and I started on my veil. I am also working on design sketches for something for a couple special people who have been helping me a lot.
Today I picked up the flower girl baskets from the Amish or Mennonite lady I ordered them from. I am fascinated by the Amish and their ability to maintain a microcosm of "plainness" as they do. There are many Amish or Amish Mennonites in Southern Indiana, where my grandparents are from, and I recently discovered there are a fair number where I live in Illinois.
Esther and her husband have a small farm southeast of where I live. Their lifestyle is interesting to me. The Amish Mennonite church, like any other, has a multitude of differences throughout the world, so it's not like you can say, "All Amish don't use a telephone."
Ben, Esther's wife, was plowing their garden with a pair of Belgian horses when Dan and I showed up to pick up the baskets. I found that particularly exciting because my great-uncle Lawrence used to breed Belgian draft horses. They are beautiful, gentle animals that I can remember visiting as a child. My great-uncle also had a Chihuahua named "Half-Pint."
Anyway, that's kind of off topic, but what can you do. I am hopefully going to spend the rest of this weekend finishing my veil and being awesome.


  1. keep up the good work lady!

  2. I bet the flower girl baskets will be beautiful! Can't wait to see everything. Your veil looks amazing from the picture I saw. Counting down the days :)
