Thursday, November 14, 2013

Buns, guns and abs + thankful things

I am on day 4 of a 30-day "Buns, Guns and Abs" challenge, in which I started with 50 squats, 5 push ups and 25 leg lifts and will ostensibly finish with 250 squats, 40 push ups and 100 leg lifts. It has not been easy, after all I did just have a baby and your stomach muscles do crazy, crazy things to accommodate your tiny human.
As always I forget to blog every day, so four things I am thankful for:  1) my relationship with my grandma. I talk to her probably once a week and it is really nice to have that connection still despite the fact that we live four hours away; 2) the Internet and my iPhone. Thanks to these two things, I am able to find workout challenges, healthy recipes, apps to start running, and I am connected to a wonderful group of moms who encourage and inspire me every day; 3) my dad. We haven't always had a super great relationship, but as I learn what it takes to be a parent, I appreciate what he has done for me more and more; 4) WIC peer counselors. Without the gentle guidance of my peer counselor, I probably would have given up breastfeeding. It has become incredibly important to me and a wonderful bond between my daughter and me that grows and grows. It's shameful that the government keeps cutting from that program, because it has been so important for so many moms. 

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