Thursday, February 10, 2011

A concession

My godmother/aunt/arbiter of good advice convinced me to take one item off my Gotta-do-it-by-July list.
We will be using some crystal birds I received as a gift some time ago as our cake topper, rather than me making the amigurumi birds I mentioned a couple of posts ago. Even just that one less item to do is a relief.
I'm so grateful to my friends and family for their sound advice. My future mother-in-law sent me a book called the Zen Bride, and I've been trying to read a little bit from it a day to keep myself grounded and rational.
When you get caught up in the tiny details, like the size of the RSVP cards or who is sitting at what table, it's easy to get tunnel vision and start to panic. That's why it's so nice to have people to remind you what the day is really about. My Maid of Honor and best friend said something wise, that the wedding is one day, but it's the marriage that matters.

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