Thursday, June 5, 2014

Patterns 6-10

It's '200cfet' time! That's what I'm calling Claire Crompton's compendium of crochet patterns, "200 Crochet Flowers, Embellishments & Trims," because I am far too lazy to write that out every time. 
So here are the next five! 

These seemed easier, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting used to the swing of things or what. That's not to say there weren't mess ups, because there were assuredly mess ups, which I will detail below. 

#6: Small Rose
I liked it so much, I made it twice. That had nothing to do with the fact that the yarn nubbin I made the first rose with ran out before I could finish it. 🎶 Stash buster! 🎶
I'm fond of roses, in real life and in yarn. I can see myself using this in the future. 

#7: Rose Bud
This is just a smaller version of the earlier pattern. Easy peasy. 

#8: Leaf
I've been using a more complicated and less attractive pattern for leaves. No more, says I. I really like how this one kind of folds up along the center vein like a real leaf. 

#9: Irish Crochet Rose
This is the first pattern I've gone along with the color suggestions. I love pink and orange together. 
This bad boy is also a tale of misfortune. You'll note there are seven petals on the front layer of this flower - there are only supposed to be six and I have no idea what I did. As I was staring at the mystery in my hands and cursing, my husband says, "You're going to write about your wacky screw ups too, right?" So, yes. 
I think the fact that my child absconded with my g6 hook and I had to use a cheapy plastic one until I could locate my preferred hook (aluminum with a bamboo handle) had something to do with my distraction, but that still doesn't really explain how I got 7 flower petals into 12 stitches. 

#10: Large Simple Flower
This one pretty much looks exactly like it's supposed to. 

I am making a display for all these patterns - I got a huge 24x96 in. roll of cork that I'm tacking these all onto. I will make a post about the display as soon as I'm happy with it. In the meantime, I'll keep, um... Hooking. 

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